
Cheats, Hints, and Gliches

Got anything to share about how to win a game? Post (Or look at) any cheats, hints, gliches, or anything else reletive on how to win a game here! Need help on a game, or want to give help? Go here by clicking on "Talk about it!"


person said...
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Anonymous said...

HOLA! it's me mason, i've got a glitch for Sonic Adventure Battle 2
~in the chao garden, do a light dash repeatedly in the cotner of the waterfall area next to the sky, and you'll end up in the middle of nowwhere, and you'll be flying!
matt found the glitch out by throwing the controller

Sneeby said...

On simpsons hit and run (ps2) enter the invincible car cheat and the blow up cars in one hit cheat (available on gamefaqs.com, along with many other cheats). then enter a lap race, it has to have other people competing in it. wait at the starting line for people to come around the track.(helps to be turned around, facing the direction they are coming from). now ram em'!once they are destroyed, you can go around at a leisureley pace at thier exspense.

Anonymous said...

why do you guys type alot?

Sneeby said...

i dunno

Anonymous said...


agent squirrely said...


agent squirrely said...


Video Game Master said...


Anonymous said...

which jayden is it?